작성일 : 16-12-02 18:50
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 560  

IMD System

The integrated metal detection system protects the grinding chamber against major damage
-Any supplied metal parts are detected. Once the IMD system detects a metal part, the shaft of the Goliath
or Titan Plus granulator stops – response time 40 ms.
-The fault is visualized on the text display of the control and by an alarm lamp.
-The production can be resumed immediately after the cleaning.
-The double parting line enables a quick and safe cleaning.
-The grinder, melting zone, hot-runner and the tool are therefore effectively protected.

-Short response time – 40 ms after metal detection
-Error message by text display and alarm light
-Easy to clean the grinding chamber

-IMD system with position detection of the metallic part.
-An alarm comes out witch exact localization of the metallic part in the cutting chamber.