Mini Goliath
The most compact low speed grinder
-This granulator has been designed for recycling of very small sprues (1 mm diameter up to 6 mm) including glass fiber material.
-The cutting chamber is composed with 1 to 4 reversible cutters, 2 to 5 rollers of 70 mm diameter.
i.e 134 x 113mm or 134 x 176mm or 134 x 300mm cutting chamber.
-Little weight
-Very quiet operation
-Low speed (25 U/min)
-Height starting from 490 mm
-Little dust, constant quality of regrind
-Reversible combs, cutting and pre-cutting elements
-Low total connected power (0,55 kW)
Equipment options
-Level sensor
-Different hoppers
-Large bin for regrind
-Wear-resistant coating of cutting elements